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Transformational advice
Prior to Covid-19, much of my advisory work was spent convincing leaders that organisational transformation was much more than just another change programme or an exercise in digitalisation. A faster, smarter, cheaper Titanic is still a Titanic. Today, all leaders have a visceral understanding of what constitutes transformation.
Today the digital tsunami has been joined by the biological tsunami. And these are just two of the vectors at play.
My focus is on helping organisations transition their operating model to one that can thrive in an increasingly uncertain and volatile environment. My approach is people-centric and embraces the increasing disruption we are facing. Typical areas of focus are leadership, transformation, disruption, people, technology, situational awareness, innovation, risk management and asset building.
Most of my clients already work with well-established consulting firms. However they value my experience, independence, my grasp of the big picture and my understanding of what is required to develop what might be called a super-resilient organisation.