Attention Dynamics
High personal performance in the digital age
Do any of the following apply to you:
- You are frustrated by your general lack of time.
- You are not fully convinced that your investment in your career is paying off either financially or in the overall quality of your life. Others, perhaps less determined than you, are making better progress with seemingly less exertion.
- You are an athlete operating at the top of your capability, but are looking to improve your personal performance by making some ‘marginal’ gains.
- You are sometimes a little snappy with those close to you, and that saddens you.
- You have a sense of emptiness despite having acquired all the badges of success in the modern world.
- You are bewildered as to why some people are so cheerful, despite the hardship of their lives relative to yours.
- You spend a substantial amount of your ‘thinking time’ focused on your shortcomings.
- You are conscious that your life is out of balance, eg., spending too much time on your career, at the expense of your family.
- You feel physically lethargic, and your thinking is somewhat foggy.
- You can’t help but feel there is more to life than what you are currently experiencing.
- Your goals are constantly thwarted by reality.
- You are excited by the possibility of discovering your true potential.
If any of these apply to you, then I think you will find this book worthy of your attention.
When it comes to survival, attention is right up there with food, sleep and oxygen. However, unlike the others, attention has the power to define the quality of your life, ie. the extent to which you thrive. This ground-breaking book moves attention centre stage. It details the drivers that enhance and diminish our attention.
Conceptual models are provided to help you understand the dynamics that impact attention management. For both individuals and societies, attention management is the big challenge of the digital age. If you feel that inattention in any aspect of your life is causing you to live sub-optimally, then you will find Attention Dynamics to be an empowering workbook.
This is the second in Ade McCormack’s Digital Life series of books.