All change
This blog is transitioning from a general focus on things digital to a specific focus on providing advice to technology firms; particularly those looking to become more profitable by being more strategically relevant to their clients.
For those of you unsubscribing, thank you for your support. It is appreciated. Keep in mind that in the next couple of months I will be introducing newsletters relating to the near future and digital leadership. You may want to remain subscribed until details of these are announced.
For those of you staying or recently subscribed, thank you for your attention. It too is appreciated.
My Twitter feed @ademccormack will maintain a more general perspective on digital matters.
I have a lot of experience in this space and want to create, share and promote best practice. At an altruistic level, dysfunctionality at the provider-buyer interface damages the IT industry and, in what is increasingly a digital world, ultimately damages business and society. From the service provider’s perspective this often leads to lost sales or ‘profit left on the table’.
Specifically I want to address the needs of organisations looking to enhance their strategic relevance to their clients. As the market becomes more global and volatile this will not be optional unless you are happy to tail spin into commodity hell.
The IT sector end game is well underway. My aim is to help you stay in play.
As always I hope you find this blog of value and I welcome all feedback, both good and constructive.