Digital malgovernance
Increasingly organisations are not just using IT to run the
business, but to grow and change the business too. IT is thus likely to be part
of your value proposition.
So who is managing this value at the top table? More often
it is the CFO in their capacity as the CIO’s boss.
But many CFOs perceive IT purely as a cost to be ruthlessly
managed. Thus the digitally-fuelled
value provided by IT is stifled and thus the associated assets are in effect
As an investor or analyst this should raise questions
regarding the organisation’s governance structure. This becomes acute for
organisations on an acquisition spree where the likelihood of process and cultural
integration will be determined by the IT function.
In today’s market organisations need digital representation
in the boardroom. I believe this is a role for the CIO, but if they are more IT
manager than information leader then you will need to appoint a real CIO or
explore the emerging role of Chief Digital Officer.