e-Skills: Beware the Asians are coming!
As you, your children and / or your grandchildren work their way through school and university, there will be occasional glances around the classroom at what is thought to be the competition.
The more ambitious students will adjust their efforts accordingly to ensure that their genes land the best job when they enter the world of work.
In my view this won’t be enough. The real competition is largely invisible. They live further East. And they are being nurtured from the cot to be highly valuable economic contributors.
Picture an army of tech-savvy (meaning more than just having the ability to add plugins to Facebook), street smart and value focused professionals heading resolutely to the front of the interview queue that you or your offspring are standing in to secure the job. This is as it should be of course, because they are in fact the best candidate.
So rather than wait for the knowledge tsunami to flood Western Europe, prepare. We are all on the same planet and globalisation will inevitably mean we are competing for the same jobs.
But rather than being xenophobic, be grateful that there is such focused competition, as this invariably brings the best out in all of us.
They arrived a long time ago, we brits haven’t acknowledged yet !!!
From leading Pepsico to owning Jaguar / Landrover / Corus to producing Quorn products for Supermarkets to consistently coming on top in the Great American Spelling Competition…