e-Skills: IT Recruitment needs to change
For various reasons, some of them justified, IT recruiters have developed a brand-negative reputation. In the eyes of many candidates and some clients, recruiters do not appear to add any real value to the talent acquisition process. But like estate agents, they have burrowed into into the supply chain and have taken control of the talent flow.
Clearly there are high value high touch providers, and not just at the executive appointment level. But those that spend all day playing buzzword bingo as they endeavour to match job specs to resumes are too high to ignore.
The problem manifests itself in that buyers are so incensed that they demand to know the margins they are being charged. And the recruiters, lacking a fundamental belief in the value they provide, tell them.
This has to change. Clients need to mind their own business and judge the provider on the value delivered, whether that be candidate cultural fit or speed of response. Focusing on cost is a mistake unless the buyer operates a sweatshop. In turn the suppliers need to be crystal clear on the value offered and charge accordingly, and with confidence.
But if you are in the business of empty buzzword matching then you are likely to slide down the value chain and ultimately be replaced by a piece of technology.
talent and competence – how do we differtentaite? competence is mix pf skills, ability and knowledge (acquired or natural) where as natural ability is talent
does this mean competence has a part of talent embedded in it already