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  1. paulm

    So how does SFIA fit in to this discussion? Although SFIA describes skills rather than roles, in its genesis I think there was some intention to help with this problem.


  2. Ade McCormack

    Through my various advisory activities in respect of e-skills in the UK and Europe, SFIA is often mentioned.
    I have no direct experience of it but understand that it has improved considerably from when I saw it presented circa 8 years ago. Even then the intention was noble.
    The reality is that SFIA is not yet relevant in the IT skills market, even though it is probably the best option available.
    I deal with literally hundreds of IT recruitment organisations and none of them use the SFIA model as a reference for skills in taking job specifications from their clients.
    This tells me everything about SFIA uptake. Hopefully all stakeholders will address this issue sooner rather than later. However this is one example of where a European Commission drive would work better than national initiatives.
    And even then we still have to address the global standardisation of IT roles. But one step at a time!


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