In the C-Suite: Cheaper or better
The big challenge for business leaders is to decide what business they are in. Should they focus on price or should they focus on quality? The banking industry fluctuates between the two almost on a quarterly basis. Wealth management and premium banking one minute, market share and micro finance the next.
If you focus on cheaper than the rest you are going to rely very heavily on IT. Alternatively if you want to operate at the premium end of the market you are going to have to rely very heavily on IT.
The likelihood is that market volatility will require us to fluctuate between the two. This requires business agility and this requires a similarly agile (and scalable) IT platform for your business.
Better still why not be cheaper and better (aka value for money)? If that's the plan then you better have IT at the forefront of your business strategy.
Not everyone gets it/IT? But you can be sure that your future market leaders do.
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