In the C-Suite: The death of meetings
Traditional meetings are generally a waste of time. However they fit nicely into online calendars. You can even have them at mealtimes; multitasking at its best no doubt.
Why not debit the budget of each department represented at the meeting in proportion to their representation? This debit must be sufficiently painful to discourage meeting surfers and bureaucrats from just sitting in.
The number of words used by each participant is measured along with their actual contribution to progressing the meeting agenda. At the end of the meeting each participant will be scored in respect of his or her value per word.
Above a certain value-velocity they will not suffer a departmental budget cut. And at some point they will actually receive a budget credit, usually in proportion to the actions they take away from the meeting.
This is difficult to build into a traditional meeting, but will be possible in respect of online meetings (one day).
Businesses need to communicate. But traditional committee-based affairs simply slow down the decision making process and impede progress. Over time more and more decisions will be automated.
This is simply a step down that inevitable path.