In the C-Suite: Who do you trust?
It's approaching crunch time for many CEOs. Reckless cost cutting will soon manifest itself in some serious reputational damage. The questions are ' Who do you trust?' and 'Who should you trust?'.
CEOs are likely to trust other CEOs (the herd). And are likely to not trust the IT industry (false promises) and the CIO (lacks leadership).
Could it be that the herd is of the lemming variety? And is the CEO happy to follow it over the cliff? Looks like it.
Options are running out for CEOs. Cost cutting only works up to a certain point in a continually declining market. It's time to change the business to save the business.
Think of the CIO and the IT industry as being one and the same. The CIO being the boardroom interface to the front end (The IT Department) of the IT industry. IT has the power to tip the game in favour of your organisation.
It is understandable that in many cases the CEO doesn’t trust the CIO or the tech vendors. But with options running out it might be time to sit around the table with all concerned for a series of accelerated trust building sessions. Trust convergence will happen sooner rather than later as the stakes are higher than ever.