Innovation: The Future
Be concerned if any of the following do not appeal:
- You will be paid to think rather than do
- You will be paid in line with your output rather than the hours you work
- You will be engaged based on your unique skills, which are not available anywhere else on the planet
- You will spend much of your day collaborating with creative, but not particularly corporate, people based in countries and continents beyond your own.
- There will be no work-life balance. The two will have blurred into one.
If you have a problem with any of these and are still keen to remain a member of the employed then:
- Accept that you are going to be a commodity that is globally available
- Identify a low skilled job that cannot be automated and is location dependent
- Revisit your quality of material life expectations and revise downwards.
If you thought the recession was tough, then you probably won’t be that keen on the future, particularly if you live in the West.
It might look bleak but it is reality