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  1. Hyoun Park

    Thanks for bringing up our SoMoClo(TM) theme. To see Aberdeen Group’s work on SoMoClo, please visit our work at


  2. Russ Klein

    It is interesting to document the impact of SoMoClo on IT procurement in industry segments outside technology.
    For example, does traceability in the cold chain finally deliver the promise of enterprise agility when every product and its status and location is always visible and analytics systems can accomodate that volume of data?
    Is the healthcare industry finally going to realise the full ROI from years spent digitising patient records and developing standards for interoperability and privacy?
    And will the HR department — whose talent acquisition strategy has a social media component — still require enterprise IT support when devices come out of the box individually configured (and secure) and when platform offered as a service cost less than as a comparable site license?


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