Time for a customer
There are two types of customer. One that has time and the other that doesn’t.
They need to be treated differently.
If the time-starved customer cannot access/digest your service easily this will of course irritate him. As will any attempt to form a deep / one to one / share of wallet / opt in / call it what you like relationship. With such customers the service is your brand. They may tell others about it (whether positively or negatively) if it was memorable.
Conversely the time-rich customer expects to have a fuss made. In many cases the service they want is not the service they have bought. They visit the doctor with some malady but really want the doctor’s attention. Doctor’s realise this hence they have invented the concept of bedside manner. The cost of bedside manner thus needs to be built into the service fee.
The skill of future businesses is whether they can adjust their style of engagement to the customer.
The former group is practically everyone. This is a growing market. The latter comprises the unemployable, elderly and the super-rich. These are also a growing markets.