Intelligent Leadership Hub manifesto
This is a sample of Ade's book - Biz 4.0 - An anthropological blueprint for business in the digital age
This is a sample of Ade's book - IT Demystified: The IT Handbook for Digital Leaders.
This is a sample of Ade's forthcoming book - Attention Dynamics : High personal performance in the digital age.
This document explores how mobility, in its broadest sense, is central to living and working in the digital economy.
This document explores the role of social media in the transition from the industrial economy.
This document explores how the worlds of work, workers and leadership are changing.
This document explores that despite being in vogue, Big Data is something to be handled with caution.
The Cloud is 'enterprise strength' so it is a question of when rather than whether. In a mobile world 'where' also needs consideration. This paper explores the issues.
This white paper explores how CIOs can use this transition period from the Industrial era to the Digital economy to increase their strategic relevance and take their rightful place as an organisational lynchpin.
This white paper explores the impact of IT consumerisation and the emergence of 'lifestyle IT'.
This document explores how economic success and even survival are strongly correlated to the extent to which collaboration is woven into the culture.
This book was written for the European Commission to highlight important policy changes needed to ensure Europe has the talent pool necessary to compete in the digital economy. It includes contributions from leaders in the political, business, technology, academic and research arenas.
This discussion report summarises the key themes discussed during the recent CIO thought leadership dinners at Claridge’s in London.
This white paper explores how CIOs can capitalise on current technology trends to become a genuine digital leader.
This guide will ensure you remain professionally relevant in the digital age.
Let Ade help you thrive in the Digital Age!