Business Anthropology
Ade McCormack – Business Anthropology keynote

In many respects, the digital age is a return to our hunter gatherer roots; the mobile phone being the new digital spear. The industrial era functional / departmental model is no longer fit for purpose, so we need to look at other models for enterprise sustainability.
In this keynote, we explore how the traditional tribal unit is a tried and tested economic model that modern day organisations would do well to adopt. We will cover the anthropological drivers that need to be built into the model so that we can harness the full capability of our people.
The delegates will learn how organisations need to remodel themselves to thrive in the digital age. It will also cause them to reflect on how they can remain value-contributing members of the tribe. Guidance in this respect will be provided.
Your key messages can be woven into the content to ensure that the keynote is engaging, compelling and focused on your objectives.
Choose business anthropology as the theme for your event.
Contact Ade to explore further.